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Economie tunisienne : au-delà du choc sur le tourisme

Economie tunisienne : au-delà du choc sur le tourisme

L’économie tunisienne continue de souffrir. Après une croissance de seulement 0,8% en 2015, les perspectives de redressement sont faibles. Le secteur du tourisme peine à se remettre des attentats survenus en 2015, l’activité manufacturière est à l’arrêt et le secteur agricole se contracte.
En plus des menaces sécuritaires et de l’agitation sociale, les investisseurs souffrent d’un manque de visibilité. Les tensions politiques se sont multipliées alors que l’économie a plus que jamais besoin de réformes pour être redynamisée. En outre, les fragilités macro-économiques s’accumulent malgré le soutien financier de la communauté internationale et le secteur bancaire reste vulnérable.
Atonie de la croissance : des aléas conjoncturels…
L’économie tunisienne se porte mal. Depuis 2011, elle tourne largement au-dessous de son potentiel. L’année 2015 a été particulièrement difficile avec une croissance de 0,8% et les chiffres du premier trimestre 2016 ne laissent guère de place au doute. Le redressement économique sera d’amplitude très modeste.
En effet, la croissance au T1 2016 n’a atteint que 1% en glissement annuel. Si cela marque une amélioration par rapport au point bas touché au T4 2015 (+0,3%), la faiblesse de l’activité économique est quasi-généralisée. Le secteur crucial du tourisme (7% du PIB) est en plein marasme depuis les attentats survenus en 2015. L’activité industrielle, au mieux, stagne dans le secteur exportateur des biens manufacturés, voire se contracte (énergie), et la valeur ajoutée agricole est en train de chuter après une production record en huile d’olive l’année dernière. Seule bonne nouvelle au tableau, l’inflationest désormais fermement installée sous la barre des 4%, contre un pic de presque 6% entre février et avril 2015. Un nouveau relâchement de la politique monétaire n’est donc pas à écarter même si la portée d’une réelle mesure est très incertaine. De fait, malgré la baisse du taux directeur de 50 points de base décidée en octobre 2015, le crédit bancaire au secteur privé est resté atone.
En outre, l’horizon pour les mois à venir est loin d’être dégagé. Troubles sociaux, menaces sécuritaires ou encore regain de fragilité en Europe (75% des exportations tunisiennes) sont autant d’éléments qui vont continuer de peser sur la confiance des investisseurs. Le taux de croissance attendu pour 2016 ne devrait ainsi atteindre que 1.2% avant d’accélérer légèrement à 2% en 2017, sous réserves d’une stabilisation du climat socio-politique.
Dans tous les cas, les performances de l’économie tunisienne seront insuffisantes pour résorber un taux de chômage officiel qui culmine à 15,4%.
… aux problèmes de fond
Le contexte politique n’est pas non plus de nature à rassurer. Dès le départ, l’attelage gouvernemental incluant laïcs et islamistes modérés avait soulevé des interrogations sur sa capacité à mener des réformes. Depuis, la situation s’est compliquée un peu plus avec la scission, début 2016, du parti dominant la coalition, Nidaa Tounes, qui de facto a perdu sa majorité au sein du Parlement.
Face un mécontentement populaire grandissant, le président de la République a donc décidé de lancer une consultation dans la perspective de forme un gouvernement d’union nationale élargi aux centrales syndicales. A ce stade, il est difficile de dire si l’initiative va aboutir et combien de temps vont durer les négociations tant les relations entre les partis sont complexes. Mais le scénario de voir le gouvernement actuel chuter avant la fin de cette année devient plus probable.
Pendant ce temps, l’économie tunisienne poursuit son décrochage. Le taux d’investissement est passé sous la barre des 20% en 2015, en baisse de cinq points par rapport à 2010. Le secteur manufacturier perd tendanciellement des parts de marché sur le continent européen au profit notamment du Maroc qui reçoit par ailleurs un volume d’investissements directs étrangers désormais  trois fois supérieur à celui de la Tunisie, alors qu’il était encore au même niveau il y a cinq ans. Un autre phénomène inquiète. Selon une étude récente menée conjointement par le centre de recherches et d’études sociale de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD), l’emploi informel au sein de l’économie tunisienne  représentait 32% de la population active occupée en 2015, contre 28% en 2010. Tout cela est venu se greffer à des fragilités structurelles déjà à l’œuvre avant l’éclatement du soulèvement populaire de 2011. Redynamiser l’économie tunisienne nécessitera donc plus qu’un choc de confiance et passera par des mesures de fond dont la plupart se trouvent en bonne place dans le nouveau programme d’aide de deux ans du FMI, approuvé fin mai pour un montant de 2.9 mds de dollars. Néanmoins, quel que soit le gouvernement qui devra mener à bien ces réformes, l’équilibre sera délicat à trouver en raison de la fragilité du contexte social et en l’absence de véritables marges de manœuvre financières.
Etant donné le peu d’améliorations en vue, le déficit de la balance des paiements courants restera substantiel, autour des 8% du PIB en 2016/17.
Le bouclage des comptes externes va donc continuer de reposer sur le soutien financier de la communauté internationale. Seulement un quart du déficit courant a été en effet couvert par des investissements directs étrangers depuis trois ans. La probabilité de voir la tendance s’inverser est faible à court terme. Or, si en apparence la situation est gérable– les réserves de change couvrent quatre mois d’importations de biens et services– l’économie tunisienne ne dispose pas de matelas financier suffisamment large pour se prémunir contre une dégradation brutale de sa position extérieure. Dans ce contexte, la capacité des autorités monétaires à maintenir l’ancrage du dinar sur un panier de monnaies se pose de plus de plus alors que le FMI estime que le taux de change effectif réel est surévalué de six à 13%. L’absence de rééquilibrage des comptes externes pourrait également remettre en question la soutenablité de l’endettement en devises à moyen terme, même si le risque continue à ce stade grâce à un profil de dette favorable.


Cet article tente d‘apporter des éléments de réponse à deux questions .- comment accorder leur juste poids aux considérations d’ordre économique dans I’élaboration de la politique de l’environnement et comment mieux intégrer les considérations environnementales dans les décisions économiques.
- le caractère transfrontière, voire mondial, de beaucoup de problèmes environnementaux, qui rend plus nécessaire encore la coordination internationale des politiques d‘environnement : les inquiétudes suscitées par les effets de certaines émissions sur la couche d‘ozone et le climat à l’échelle mondiale, qui sont à l‘origine de nouveaux débats, en sont les exemples les plus notables. Si, au cours des années 60 et 70, on s’est beaucoup préoccupé de l’éventualité d‘une pénurie de ressources naturelles à l‘échelle mondiale, rares sont ceux qui craignent aujourd’hui que l’économie mondiale connaisse une pénurie de ressources dans les années à venir. Certes, des inquiétudes subsistent, mais elles sont maintenant motivées par des problèmes comme la dégradation de l‘atmosphère, des eaux souterraines et des océans. Ces problèmes environnementaux présentent, pour deux raisons essentielles, une dimension économique importante : - la différence entre le coût privé d‘une activité et son coût pour la collectivité, qui caractérise l’utilisation et, par conséquent, la mauvaise utilisation de nombreuses ressources environnementales comme l‘air et l‘eau, implique qu‘une politique de laisser faire ne peut pas permettre aux forces du marché d‘atteindre l’équilibre souhaité entre qualité de I‘environnement, d’une part, et production de biens, de l’autre; - les politiques d’environnement et les évolutions survenant dans ce domaine ont des répercussions macro-économiques de plus en plus sensibles tandis que le rythme et la structure de la croissance économique ont des conséquences pour l’environnement. La question des externalités et du lien avec le concept de croissance durable est examinée à la section 1. La section suivante (II) concerne l’élaboration des politiques d‘environnement. Les coûts et avantages des politiques d’environnement sont analysés à la section 111. Enfin, la dernière section (IV) aborde un certain nombre de problèmes qui se posent actuellement aux pouvoirs publics, en mettant notamment l‘accent sur ceux d’entre eux qui ont une dimension internationale. Les principaux points de l‘analyse sont résumés dans les paragraphes qui suivent. Externalités. L‘une des principales causes de la dégradation de I’environnement est l’existence de coûts environnementaux externes. Étant donné que l‘on peut accéder librement à de nombreuses ressources environnementales, qui sont considérées comme un bien collectif par les agents économiques, ceux-ci ne sont guère incités à tenir intégralement compte des coûts de la dégradation de I‘environnement. Or, ces coûts tendront à augmenter au fil des ans, à mesure que les ressources se dégraderont ou s‘épuiseront et deviendront de ce fait plus rares. Croissance durable. La croissance économique est influencée par la rareté relative des ressources environnementales, étant donné que c’est dans I’environnement que l’on extrait les matières premières dont on a besoin et que l’on évacue les déchets. II convient, dans un premier temps, de bien définir ce que l’on entend par croissance durable pour analyser les interactions entre l’environnement et la croissance économique. II n’est pas inconcevable que la dégradation de ressources environnementales se traduise, à terme, par une réduction sensible du potentiel de consommation. Dun autre côté, les mesures prises pour freiner la dégradation de l’environnement risquent d‘être coûteuses en entraînant une réduction de la production et de la consommation. II existe donc entre les coûts et les avantages un arbitrage qui mérite d‘être examiné de façon plus approfondie. Moyens d‘action. Le meilleur moyen de résoudre ces problèmes consiste à internaliser les coûts de la dégradation de l’environnement, Jusqu’à présent, la préférence est généralement allée à des systèmes de réglementation qui, dans certains cas, ont effectivement permis de réduire la pollution de façon relativement satisfaisante. Mais la réglementation ne fait pas appel aux mécanismes du marché 11 et ne fournit pas d'incitation à réduire, à la marge, la dégradation de I'environnement. Une utilisation plus intensive d'instruments économiques pourrait se traduire par une augmentation de l'efficience globale des politiques d'environnement, considération qui pourrait prendre encore plus d'importance dans la mesure où les moyens à mettre en œuvre pour faire face aux problèmes d'environnement seront eux aussi plus importants. L'efficience relative des différents instruments dépendra d'un certain nombre de considérations telles que l'étendue géographique du problème, le nombre de sources de pollution, les possibilités de surveillance, l'importance des coûts de transaction et l'ampleur des autres distorsions affectant le marché. Les différentes solutions envisageables devront autant que possible s'appuyer sur des analyses coûts-avantages. II serait sans doute ainsi possible de mieux intégrer les problèmes environnementaux et économiques en mettant en place des comptes de ressources parallèlement au système de comptabilité nationale et en construisant des indicateurs établissant un lien entre les évolutions environnementales et économiques. Ordonnancement des mesures. Étant donné que les risques potentiels découlant de la dégradation des ressources environnementales sont encore dans une large mesure inconnus et le resteront sans doute encore un certain temps, il importe d'élaborer une stratégie permettant de faire face aux incertitudes et aux risques environnementaux. L'ampleur et l'ordonnancement des mesures dépendent en partie de ces risques. Si l'on opte pour des mesures de prévention, il semblerait souhaitable de commencer par les moins coûteuses et les plus efficaces par rapport à leur coût. Par exemple, alors que le coût implicite d'une stabilisation de la concentration des gaz à effet de serre serait sans doute important, il semblerait tout à fait possible de réduire les émissions des gaz à effet de serre les plus ((efficaces», à savoir les CFC, ainsi que de remplacer une partie des sources d'émission de CO2, pour un coût relativement faible. On pourrait aussi voir si certaines mesures environnementales pourraient contribuer à améliorer l'efficience économique générale tout en élargissant la gamme des options futures et en améliorant la flexibilité. Les mesures suivantes pourraient être envisagées à cet égard : réformes de la fiscalité en matière d'environnement et réduction des subventions et réglementations qui, en faussant les signaux du marché, entraînent une augmentation sensible de la pollution. Coopération internationale. II semble assez peu probable que l'environnement mondial soit menacé de dommages importants et irréversibles. Toutefois, bien qu'il soit nécessaire de faire preuve de prudence à cet égard, rien ne permet d'exclure Pa possibilité que d'importants dommages soient causés à l'environnement dans l'avenir.

Elements of tourism

Elements of tourism
tourism Tourism is the process of individuals move temporarily from one country to another for different purposes, as Tourism is the most important economic sources that depend on the state in the development and increase national income and thus improve the living standards of its members; and tourism elements and motives and elements will learn about them in this article. Elements of tourism Location : where he plays the geographical location of the state influential role in the tourist attractions, it is through the state site on the supply circuits determines the climate , which in turn determines the quality of the vegetation, and the extent of the presence of wild animals, as the climate prevailing in the length and the Palace of the day, which positively or negatively affect the movement and controls tourism, lies the impact of the geographical location also in terms of proximity and distance from , such as hotels tourist demand areas, and commercial markets, and the possibility of identifying the nationality of the tourists, namely that if the same geographical location a good state , it will be attractive for tourists from nearby countries considerably. Climate : Many tourists make the tourist destination with a favorable climate to their areas . In the summer tourist looking for the temperate zone and in the winter looking for warm and with good temperature region; therefore climate is considered one of the most influential elements in the tourism tourism. It forms the surface of the earth : Valo_kal terrain of different kinds of mountains, plains, valleys and water bodies effectively affect the tourist attractions, through the landscape diversity; therefore harnesses the state of all physical capabilities of the work of tourist resorts and infrastructure development that increase the number of tourists to her, such as the utilization of mountain highlands skiing process if they are from countries that are falling by the snow in abundance. Tourism goals Adventure tourism, to reveal the wacky and exploratory excursionss. Recreational tourism, and be leisure, recreation and recreation from the troubles of lifee. Religious Tourism, visited the holy sites such as Mecca, and the Vatican, and Jerusalemm. Cultural tourism, visit cultural sites, museums and historical monumentss. Tourism beach, spread in marine coastal areas attractivee. Tourism hopes, the finest species, and began marketing its first at the level of the Arab world in Jordan at the Dead Sea area. Sports tourism, by participating in sports competitions. Therapeutic tourism, and be the aim of treatment is not available in the country, or visit the places that is famous for its therapeutic ability Khmamat Ma'in in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Types of tourism Internal tourism, and be within the state, visited historical monuments and places in themm. Foreign tourism, to be outside the borders of countries, visited neighboring countries or distant countriess. Elements of Tourism The tourists, ie the number of tourists who can host countries accommodate them according to their requirements. Exposed, which states that provide tourist services desired by tourists in order to create a good and successful tourist environment. Tourist attractions, and it is to provide different definitions.

the importance of tourism in Egypt

the importance of tourism in Egypt
tourism It is a movement of the individual, and traveling in order to get rest, or recreation, or other treatment, and most popular types of tourism, adventure tourism, and leisure tourism, religious tourism, medical tourism, and beach tourism, marine tourism, sports tourism, conference tourism, environmental tourism , shopping and tourism, cultural tourism, tourism and meditation, and distinctive tourist countries in the world are Egypt, and tourism of great importance, Snzla in this article. The importance of tourism in Egypt Summed up the importance of tourism in which it is an essential source of national income, they are tourist countries distinctive; they contain a lot of tourist attractions, historic monuments, and is considered the population of the western continent of Europe most tourism to Egypt, and then followed by residents of the eastern continent of Europe, and the third largest population of the continent Africa. Each year, the proportion of tourism revenues in Egypt evolve to GDP, reaching revenues in 2008 of 5.5%, and in 2009 5.3%, and in 2010 4.5%, in the year 2011 by 3.6%, while the relative distribution of tourists by places to visit according to statistics in 2013 it amounted to 22.6% of the area of ​​Luxor, and 18.7% of the pyramids of Giza, and 14.9% for Aswan, Cairo, and 11.6% of the Egyptian Museum, and 6.9% for the South Sinai. Tourist Attractions Egypt from the Arab-African countries that inevitably followed by many of the ancient civilizations, the most important of the ancient Pharaonic civilization, the Islamic civilization, and the most important religious and tourist attractions and historical monuments and archaeological sites where: Mosques mosque al-Nasir Muhammad, and the Mosque of Sayeda Zeinab, the Mosque of Amr Ibn El-Aas, and the Mosque of Abu Abbas Mursi, and the Mosque of the ruling order of God, and the Mosque of the Prophet Daniel, and the Mosque of Ahmad Ibn Tulun. Churches, a church outstanding, which is located in ancient Egypt neighborhood, and the Church of Abu Serga constructed at the end of the fourth century and the beginning of the fifth century, the Church of Our Lady Barbara, the Church of the Virgin Tree, and St. George's Church, which was built in 684 AD by the writer's rich Athanasius, and the Church of St. Mina , and the cathedral of St. Mark. Historic monuments of Pharaonic statue of Isis and Horus, and the obelisk, the city of Ain Shams, and the statue of Queen Nefertiti, the pharaoh Akhenaten's wife, Tel Amarna, and Saqqara, Abu Simbel, which is located in the city of Aswan, Tmthal Sphinx, the Pyramid of Saqqara, which is one of the oldest pyramids constructed in Egypt, cemetery Tutankhamun, one of the kings of the Pharaohs belonging to the family of eighteen, and the Bent pyramid and is located in the town of Meidum, and a statue of Menkaure, and Tmthal Cheops his wife, King Psonos bracelet I, and goose Amon. Monasteries monastery of St. Anthony, and Mina Monastery wonderous, the White Monastery and the Monastery of St. Catherine. Castles citadel soldier, Castle of Saladin, and Nuweiba Castle, Castle of palm trees, and Bey Citadel.

The subject of an expression of tourism

The subject of an expression of tourism

Approaching us summer; to forget the fatigue and hardship, and study days, whether to us or to our parents, even if they are not studying, but they hold their study of their children, comes the summer and come with him Abair comfort, breezes entertainment, and increase family ties, and the spirit of cooperation, and grow in us the desire to travel and tourism and to identify other worlds we do not know we are familiar not anything about it. The Muslim when he travels and the tourism is the first to comply with the command of his Lord, the Almighty said: "Travel freely in the land," tourism is meditation Ebadtan of man increases their faith, and strengthens their conviction, but it has to be for a Muslim to adhere to public morals, Islamic and controls that it became, especially in travel Western countries so as to reflect the honorable and shining for our principles and image. Tourism is permissible in Islam and allowed, and viewed from several aspects: It is tourism, human activity must be restricted Islamic morality, and not the goal of tourism is to be committing sin, or act of disobedience, or come up with the work of prohibited Shara. It is also an opportunity to walk the earth, and the meditation of God's creation miraculous, and the universe diligent, and to identify the peoples and tribes and ethnicities and different religions and tongues, he says: "And among His Signs created the heavens and the earth and the different tongues and Olwankm" The Prophet (peace be upon him) - said: "Rohawwa for hearts hour clock; the hearts if dim blinded," and here tourism comes in recreation, relieve the pressures of life, sharpen vigor, and the renewal of human activity, which will be reflected in the future positively on the level workmanship at work. And also an opportunity to achieve the principle of brothers in religion among Muslims, enables you to recognize tourism is the concerns and problems of your Muslim brothers and mitigate them, to encourage them, God says: "The believers are brothers make between your brothers." It is furthermore an opportunity for the views of other peoples, and to take advantage of their expertise and experience and move up the ladder of knowledge, science and progress. In order to come for tourists to take advantage of his journey, it must evoke the legitimacy controls, and more importantly, more important work schedule and priorities, presents a living and dining on the beaches and commercial centers, and the provision of debt dam on the aircraft, tickets and expenses statements expenses. Here Dear types of tourism are: domestic tourism, a tourism be within the same country, to travel from one area to another, provided they are within the borders of the homeland, the second type is as follows: foreign tourism, a move from one country to another, and Dallah to another. Says Ibn Taymiyah: "What does my enemies to me? Committees and a gardener in my chest, locking me retreat, and expelled me tourism, kill me a certificate," the witness that this Shaykh al-Islam mark was considered exile tourism in the land of God, recognized by the other people, and the opportunity to spread the call, as well as calls them about himself. Tourism and many benefits and many reminds us of Imam Shafei -mamed bin Idris Allah have mercy on him: Sets homelands in the highest demand ....... traveled in five travel benefits They gain relief and living ...... science and ethics, and the company of Majid In the travel is gaining knowledge and science, and release distress, and breathe Krpetk, and gaining a living by working abroad, gaining Adab, new friends.

Space tourism

Space tourism Tourism known to the space they travel to outer space; leisure or promote something, and I have a group of modern companies have emerged in the last years aiming to develop space tourism, because it is limited and high-cost, and currently this service provides only the space agency Russian. The cost of space tourism The Spas Adventure® company is doing publicity for these trips, and the cost in the period between 2001 and 2009 about twenty to thirty five million US dollars, as a result of the increase in the space station crew of Russia; suspended flights in 2010, and worked to exploit the seats their existing astronauts, not tourists , but issued by it in the year 2013 will start trips Alvzaih initiates again to accommodate a single vehicle for three people, and may increase in the future. Instead of the word tourism, the responsible organizations using the term trips, note that the draft civilian uses among civil space discovery, and in September of the year 2012, there is a group of companies conducted a range of discounts on space flights, which include tropical and subtropical, at time intervals spaced . Science fiction in space flights As a result of the great successes achieved by the space flight, specialists found that the intensification of these trips is very important, have such aspirations mentioned in the fictional scientific stories, most notably Arthur C. Clarke in the story of the fall of the sand of the moon, and the novel Jonah Ross issued in 1968, said the writer Lothian in the book the true history of a group of men who travel using their own ship to the moon, and many other stories. Economic Future of Space Tourism In 2010, a report on the Federal Aviation Administration issued under the economic impact of the commercial space transportation on the US economy address; as a result of a series of studies conducted by Futrn, which operates a world space and technical adviser, where he predicted that tourism space will be cost about one billion dollars during the a period of time equivalent to twenty years. In addition, since Dennis Tito traveled to the International Space Station, citizens began to pay the fees of the price of about twenty million dollars; in order to reach space, Spas Adventure® company predicted that the number will reach about fifteen 2020 m, note that these numbers do not include private organizations such as Kmishqin Jaketak, where the year 2012 sold about five hundred ticket, by $ two hundred per ticket, and expects to increase sales in the coming years.

Space tourism

Types of tourism

#Types_of_tourism : 
Types of tourism

Religious tourism It is the individual to move from his place of residence to the holy places in the same state or move to another country. Such as visiting mosques, shrines or places of worship such as Mecca and Medina, and this kind of tourism strengthens the religious faith and revive the spiritual side Medical Tourism An individual visit , for example , health spas , water , mineral and therapeutic clinics and many others, with the aim of this tourism is the treatment of diseases in the body of the centers , for example , it has a highly qualified, with self - entertainment Social tourism The individual collective trips in the vacation days to entertain and increase psychological and physical activity for them and be with many groups are certain companies responsible for them to provide them with a wonderful atmosphere and organizes them fit a program of places to visit and provide them with accommodation Conference tourism This tourism flourished with the developments that accompanied the economic, political and cultural fields, Vsaahh conferences are the work of a variety of conferences in various countries and heads to individuals to attend with entertainment, so that they are equipped with places of residence halls to attend the conference and means of communication and many services other Sport tourism They include the availability of all these Musltzmat tourism, whether internal or external, Fessafr to tourists to spend enjoyable times Tourism Shopping Tourism shopping , a tourism carried out by individuals in some countries evaluated to display their products at discounted prices in order to attract tourists Recreational tourism Individuals go to places characterized by a relaxed atmosphere and the water and scenic forests and goal-oriented individuals from the entertainment and just enjoy it so individuals practicing their hobbies Cultural tourism Interested in this tourism and intellectuals interested in the cultural and historical monuments such as the civilization of ancient Egypt Tourism Roaming This modern tourism as the individuals to go walk around the beautiful nature rich picturesque places, and where Qaystemton roam live in tents wilderness. Environmental Alaahh They do individuals to move and visit the plant and animal reserves for environmental work around studies and see the environmental secrets. Adventure Tourism For the oddity of living in some areas, doing sport for mountain climbing, cycling and diving into the secrets of the valleys, fishing and the work of all that is weird. Tourism cars and bikes This tourism is a monopoly in a particular country only; which has wide roads and fast communication with other countries, and is available in these roads all the necessary services and maintenance of the ambulance and others. Tourism Exhibition This mobile tourism is among the countries that establish a different opponent of the plastic arts and industrial exhibitions, literary and commercial exhibitions and others. Most cities of the world visit in 2013 Bangkok and occupies first place three years ago , the beauty of her city and charming with her food , sweet and hot Almmaqan shopping at very reasonable prices Florence Italian city that boasts beautiful paintings warmest Internatioanl paintings such as Michelangelo and contains libraries, museums , and famous for its appetite Bmqubladtha Istanbul city , which lies Ben Asia and Europe and is famous for its nature and became a picturesque destination of directors Aalim to shoot their movies have been filmed in which fifteen film and Otdm this city resorts and luxury hotels Sydney beaches with fine sand still occupies the first centers and is famous for its landmarks and tourist restaurants New York City , which broke indexes the number of visitors has visited more than fifty million tourists.

Tourism Definition

Tourism Definition

Tourism Definition

 Tourism is the activity performed by an individual or individuals happen with him move from one place to another or from one country to another for the purpose of the task of performing certain or visit a particular place or group several places , or for the purpose of entertainment and result in view of civilizations and other cultures and add new information and views and to meet the peoples and nationalities multiple directly affects the national income of the countries of tourism, and creates many jobs and industries and multiple investment service activity and ascends the level of performance of the peoples and their culture, publish their history and their culture, customs and traditions, and is a currently an important and promising industry is based on the foundations of science and culture ..
 as it exists today in a To Morocco. Know Tourism Recreational activity outside of the routine that live it tourist, the goal of tourism revive the spirit of the individual, and be tourism transfer of an individual from a resident in which the place to another place in the same country or move to another country, with the provision of all services and supplies for this activity, in a period of not less than 24 hours year does not exceed. Staff of Tourism Tourist: It is the individual who is actively tourism. The host country: They that provide all services for tourists, and provide what it needs from the requirements in order to create a pleasant tourist atmosphere. Tourist attractions of all kinds: these parameters is determined by the type of tourism and marketing of environmental, scientific, therapeutic and others. Tourism pattern: that defines internal tourism in the same state between the cities of rich tourist attractions, or external beyond the borders of one state to another state. Types of tourism Religious tourism: is the individual to move from his place of residence to the holy places in the same state or move to another country. Such as visiting mosques, shrines or places of worship such as Mecca and Medina, and this kind of tourism strengthens the religious faith and revive the spiritual side Medical Tourism: an individual visit , for example , health spas , water , mineral and therapeutic clinics and many others, with the aim of this tourism is the treatment of diseases in the body of the centers , for example , it has a highly qualified, with self - entertainment Social tourism: the individual collective trips in the vacation days to entertain and increase psychological and physical activity for them and be with many groups are certain companies responsible for them to provide them with a wonderful atmosphere and organizes them fit a program of places to visit and provide them with accommodation Tourism conferences: flourished tourism with the developments that accompanied the economic, political and cultural fields, Vsaahh conferences are the work of a variety of conferences in various countries and heads to individuals to attend with entertainment, so that they are equipped with places of residence halls to attend the conference and means of communication and many services other Sport tourism: They include the availability of all these Musltzmat tourism, whether internal or external, to Fessafr tourists to spend enjoyable times. Shopping tourism: a tourism carried out by individuals in some countries evaluated to display their products at discounted prices in order to attract tourists. Leisure tourism: the individuals to go to places characterized by a relaxed atmosphere and the water and scenic forests and goal - oriented individuals from the entertainment and just enjoy it so individuals practicing their hobbies. Cultural tourism: is interested in this tourism and intellectuals interested in the cultural and historical monuments such as the civilization of ancient Egypt. Tourism Roaming: This modern tourism as the individuals to go walk around the beautiful nature rich picturesque places, and where Qaystemton roam live in tents wilderness. Eco - tourism: They do individuals to move and visit the plant and animal reserves for environmental work around studies and see the environmental secrets. 
Adventure Tourism: For the oddity of living in some areas, doing sport for mountain climbing, cycling and diving into the secrets of the valleys, fishing and work all that is strange . Tourism cars and bikes: This tourism is a monopoly in a particular country only; which has wide roads and fast communication with other countries, and is available in these roads all the necessary services and maintenance of the ambulance and others. Tourism Exhibitions: This tourism be mobile between countries that establish a different opponent of the plastic arts and industrial exhibitions, literary and commercial exhibitions and others.



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