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Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

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Effective date: June 29, 2018
new-teech ("us", "we", or "our") operates the website (the "Service").
This page informs you of our policies regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal data when you use our Service and the choices you have associated with that data. This Privacy Policy for new-teech is powered by TermsFeed.
We use your data to provide and improve the Service. By using the Service, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy. Unless otherwise defined in this Privacy Policy, terms used in this Privacy Policy have the same meanings as in our Terms and Conditions, accessible from

Information Collection And Use

We collect several different types of information for various purposes to provide and improve our Service to you.

Types of Data Collected

Personal Data

While using our Service, we may ask you to provide us with certain personally identifiable information that can be used to contact or identify you ("Personal Data"). Personally identifiable information may include, but is not limited to:
  • Cookies and Usage Data

Usage Data

We may also collect information how the Service is accessed and used ("Usage Data"). This Usage Data may include information such as your computer's Internet Protocol address (e.g. IP address), browser type, browser version, the pages of our Service that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages, unique device identifiers and other diagnostic data.

Tracking & Cookies Data

We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to track the activity on our Service and hold certain information.
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Examples of Cookies we use:
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Use of Data

new-teech uses the collected data for various purposes:
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  • To notify you about changes to our Service
  • To allow you to participate in interactive features of our Service when you choose to do so
  • To provide customer care and support
  • To provide analysis or valuable information so that we can improve the Service
  • To monitor the usage of the Service
  • To detect, prevent and address technical issues

Transfer Of Data

Your information, including Personal Data, may be transferred to — and maintained on — computers located outside of your state, province, country or other governmental jurisdiction where the data protection laws may differ than those from your jurisdiction.
If you are located outside Tunisia and choose to provide information to us, please note that we transfer the data, including Personal Data, to Tunisia and process it there.
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new-teech will take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy and no transfer of your Personal Data will take place to an organization or a country unless there are adequate controls in place including the security of your data and other personal information.

Disclosure Of Data

Legal Requirements

new-teech may disclose your Personal Data in the good faith belief that such action is necessary to:
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  • To protect and defend the rights or property of new-teech
  • To prevent or investigate possible wrongdoing in connection with the Service
  • To protect the personal safety of users of the Service or the public
  • To protect against legal liability

Security Of Data

The security of your data is important to us, but remember that no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Data, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Service Providers

We may employ third party companies and individuals to facilitate our Service ("Service Providers"), to provide the Service on our behalf, to perform Service-related services or to assist us in analyzing how our Service is used.
These third parties have access to your Personal Data only to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.


We may use third-party Service Providers to monitor and analyze the use of our Service.

Links To Other Sites

Our Service may contain links to other sites that are not operated by us. If you click on a third party link, you will be directed to that third party's site. We strongly advise you to review the Privacy Policy of every site you visit.
We have no control over and assume no responsibility for the content, privacy policies or practices of any third party sites or services.

Children's Privacy

Our Service does not address anyone under the age of 18 ("Children").
We do not knowingly collect personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of 18. If you are a parent or guardian and you are aware that your Children has provided us with Personal Data, please contact us. If we become aware that we have collected Personal Data from children without verification of parental consent, we take steps to remove that information from our servers.

Changes To This Privacy Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this page.
We will let you know via email and/or a prominent notice on our Service, prior to the change becoming effective and update the "effective date" at the top of this Privacy Policy.
You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes. Changes to this Privacy Policy are effective when they are posted on this page.

Contact Us

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Fileless Malware: Why You Should Care

Fileless Malware: Why You Should Care

It's a truism that just like organizations adapt, so too do criminals. For example, anyone who has ever seen a Wells Fargo commercial knows that there was a time when stagecoaches were a normative method for transporting cash and valuables. But what modern criminals in their right mind would attempt robbing a Brink's truck on horseback? While that strategy might have worked well in the days of the Pony Express, attempting it in now would be out of touch and inefficient.
This is an intentionally extreme example to make a point: Criminals adapt to keep pace in the same way that organizations adapt. With a veritable renaissance in technology use under way, criminals have been advancing their methods of attack just like organizations have been advancing their methods for conducting business.
One of the more recent developments in attacker tradecraft is so-called "fileless malware." This trend -- which emerged a few years ago but gained significant prominence in late 2016 and throughout 2017 -- refers to malware that is designed specifically and architected to not require -- or in fact interact with at all -- the filesystem of the host on which it runs.
It is important for technology pros to be alert to this, because it impacts them in several different ways.
First, it alters what they should watch for when analyzing attacker activity. Because fileless malware has different characteristics from traditional malware, it requires looking for different indicators.
Second, it impacts how practitioners plan and execute their response to a malware situation. One of the reasons attackers employ this method is that it circumvents many of the techniques that typically are employed to mitigate attacks.
However, there are some things practitioners can and should do to keep their organizations protected.

What Is It?

Also sometimes referred to as "non-malware," fileless malware leverages on-system tools such as PowerShell, macros (e.g. in Word), Windows Management Instrumentation (i.e., the apparatus in Windows designed for telemetry gathering and operations management), or other on-system scripting functionality to propagate, execute and perform whatever tasks it was developed to perform.
Because these tools are so powerful and flexible on a modern operating system, malware that employs them can do most of what traditional malware can do -- from snooping on user behavior to data collection and exfiltration, to cryptocurrency mining, or pretty much anything else that an attacker might want to do to forward an infiltration campaign.
By design, an attacker employing this technique will refrain from writing information to the filesystem. Why? Because the primary defense strategy for detecting malicious code is file scanning.
Think about how a typical malware detection tool works: It will look through all files on the host -- or a subset of important files -- searching out malware signatures against a known list. By keeping clear of the filesystem, fileless malware leaves nothing to detect. That gives an attacker a potentially much longer "dwell time" in an environment before detection. It's an effective strategy.
Now, fileless malware is by no means entirely new. Folks might remember specific malware (e.g., the Melissa virus in 1999) that caused plenty of disruption while interacting only minimally, if at all, with the filesystem.
What is different now is that attackers specifically and deliberately employ these techniques as an evasion strategy. As one might expect, given its efficacy, use of fileless malware is on the rise.
Fileless attacks are more likely to be successful than file-based attacks by an order of magnitude (literally 10 times more likely), according to the 2017 "State of Endpoint Security Risk" report from Ponemon. The ratio of fileless to file-based attacks grew in 2017 and is forecasted to continue to do grow this year.

Prevention Strategies

There are a few direct impacts that organizations should account for as a result of this trend.
First, there is the impact on the methods used to detect malware. There is also, by extension, an impact on how organizations might collect and preserve evidence in an investigation context. Specifically, since there are no files to collect and preserve, it complicates the usual technique of capturing the contents of the filesystem and preserving them in "digital amber" for courtroom or law enforcement purposes.
Despite these complexities, organizations can take steps to insulate themselves from many fileless attacks.
First is patching and maintaining a hardened endpoint. Yes, this is frequently offered advice, but it is valuable not only to combat fileless malware attacks, but also for a host of other reasons -- my point being, it's important.
Another piece of commonly offered advice is to get the most from the malware detection and prevention software that already is in place. For example, many endpoint protection products have a behavior-based detection capability that can be enabled optionally. Turning it on is a useful starting point if you have not already done so.
Thinking more strategically, another useful item to put in the hopper is to take a systematic approach to locking down the mechanisms used by this malware and increasing visibility into its operation. For example, PowerShell 5 includes expanded and enhanced logging capabilities that can give the security team greater visibility into how it's being used.
In fact, "script block logging" keeps a record of what code is executed (i.e., executed commands), which can be used both to support detective capability and to maintain a record for use in subsequent analysis and investigation.
Of course, there are other avenues that an attacker might leverage beyond PowerShell -- but thinking it through ahead of time -- investing the time to know what you're up against and to plan accordingly -- is a good starting point.
Source :
How to Back Up iPhone Data to an External Drive

How to Back Up iPhone Data to an External Drive

A recent incident reminded me of the importance of backing up one's phone regularly. Soon after carrying my recycling out to the curbside, I realized I had misplaced my 6-month-old iPhone. Cue brief panic, followed by deep concern that I'd somehow tossed my device into that transparent bag I'd left outside for the world to see.

That led me to yelling "Hey, Siri" a few times around my apartment until the familiar chime sounded, revealing my trusty phone was hiding on a stepladder underneath a coat. Phew.
I have no idea how or why I managed to leave my phone there, but had I not found it, the situation could have been much worse: It had been months since I'd backed up my data. I was lucky to escape what could have been a potential disaster caused by my absent-minded tendencies.

Save Main Drive Space

I bought my current laptop a little over a year ago and actually had some trouble managing backups at first. My partner and I use the same computer for backing up our phones, but with ever-increasing device storage capacities and solid-state hard drives still somewhat expensive, despite featuring in more and more systems, space is at a premium.
Apple demands a lot of storage for its backups, especially since it often stores multiple versions. A 256-GB hard drive to run one's system and keep data safe is just not enough anymore.
The thing is, Apple does not make it easy to sync backups to an external drive automatically. Typically, iPhone owners will plug in their devices, and Apple will create a directory on the main hard drive and stuff the backup there. That's easy, and it's probably enough for most people. Forcing iTunes to store the backup elsewhere requires a redirect trick.

Using Windows 10

Here's how I solved the problem on my Windows 10 machine. First, since I had the capacity on my current drive (but only just), I created an iPhone backup using the regular iTunes sync method to the default location, just in case any mishaps should occur. I went to the folder Apple uses to store backups, typically this one:
C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Roaming\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup
You should replace [Username] with your own actual username, naturally.
You'll want to copy that folder to your desired new backup location, and then either delete the original Backup folder or rename it as "BackupOld." Then hold the shift key and click the right mouse button to open a command window. There, enter the following:
mklink /J "%APPDATA%\Apple Computer\MobileSync\Backup" "[External Drive]:\iTunes Backup"
Of course, you'll replace [External Drive] with your actual drive letter.
You can add subfolders here too if you like to keep your storage as organized as possible. So, something like this would work just fine:
E:\MyBackups\iTunes Backup
Then you can close the command prompt window, and try an iPhone backup to see if it works.

Using macOS

The steps are similar for Mac systems. You should find the standard backup folder here:
~/Library/Application Support/MobileSync/
Copy, then remove or rename the Backup folder. Then open a terminal and type this:
ln -s /Volumes/[External Drive]/MobileSync/Backup ~/Library/Application\ Support/MobileSync/Backup
Close the terminal and then try an iPhone backup to see if it works.

Better Safe Than Sorry

Even if you have a main hard drive large enough to handle your backups without any concern, shuttling your data to an external drive has its advantages. It can act as an off-system failsafe in case your computer's drive collapses beyond repair. It also frees up the main drive, which hopefully will keep your computer working snappily for a little longer.
In either case, please remember to back up your phone regularly. And maybe don't put yourself in a situation where you wonder for 15 minutes if you tossed it out with the recycling.
Source :

PGP: 'Serious' flaw found in secure email tech

A widely used method of encrypting emails has been found to suffer from a serious vulnerability, researchers say.
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) is a data encryption method sometimes added to programs that send and receive email.
Details about the vulnerability were released by the Suddeutsche Zeitung newspaper prior to a scheduled embargo.
Previously, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) had advised immediately disabling email tools that automatically decrypted PGP.
The problem had been investigated by Sebastian Schinzel, at Munster University of Applied Sciences.
After the embargo on releasing details about the vulnerability was lifted, Mr Schinzel and colleagues published their research revealing how the attack on PGP emails worked.
website explaining the issue has also now been made public.
Mr Schinzel has been contacted by the BBC for comment.
There was initially concern among cyber-security researchers that the issue affected the core protocol of PGP - meaning that all uses of the encryption method, including file encryption, could be made vulnerable.
However, one provider of software that can encrypt data using PGP explained the problem specifically concerned email programs that failed to check for decryption errors properly before following links in emails that included HTML code.
The issue had been "overblown" by the EFF, said Werner Koch, of GnuPG.
His colleague Robert Hansen said on Twitter that the issue had been known about for some time.
He argued it wasn't really a vulnerability in the OpenPGP system but rather in email programs that had been designed without appropriate safeguards.

'Real secrets' risked

Security expert Mikko Hypponen, at F-Secure, said his understanding was that the vulnerability could in theory be used to decrypt a cache of encrypted emails sent in the past, if an attacker had access to such data.
"This is bad because the people who use PGP use it for a reason," he told the BBC.
"People don't use it for fun - people who use it have real secrets, like business secrets or confidential things."
Alan Woodward, at the University of Surrey, agreed, adding: "It does have some big implications as it could lead to a channel for sneaking data off devices as well as for decrypting messages."
The researchers have said that users of PGP email can disable HTML in their mail programs to stay safe from attacks based on the vulnerability.
It is also possible to decrypt emails with PGP decryption tools separate from email programs.
Source :

Economie tunisienne : au-delà du choc sur le tourisme

Economie tunisienne : au-delà du choc sur le tourisme

L’économie tunisienne continue de souffrir. Après une croissance de seulement 0,8% en 2015, les perspectives de redressement sont faibles. Le secteur du tourisme peine à se remettre des attentats survenus en 2015, l’activité manufacturière est à l’arrêt et le secteur agricole se contracte.
En plus des menaces sécuritaires et de l’agitation sociale, les investisseurs souffrent d’un manque de visibilité. Les tensions politiques se sont multipliées alors que l’économie a plus que jamais besoin de réformes pour être redynamisée. En outre, les fragilités macro-économiques s’accumulent malgré le soutien financier de la communauté internationale et le secteur bancaire reste vulnérable.
Atonie de la croissance : des aléas conjoncturels…
L’économie tunisienne se porte mal. Depuis 2011, elle tourne largement au-dessous de son potentiel. L’année 2015 a été particulièrement difficile avec une croissance de 0,8% et les chiffres du premier trimestre 2016 ne laissent guère de place au doute. Le redressement économique sera d’amplitude très modeste.
En effet, la croissance au T1 2016 n’a atteint que 1% en glissement annuel. Si cela marque une amélioration par rapport au point bas touché au T4 2015 (+0,3%), la faiblesse de l’activité économique est quasi-généralisée. Le secteur crucial du tourisme (7% du PIB) est en plein marasme depuis les attentats survenus en 2015. L’activité industrielle, au mieux, stagne dans le secteur exportateur des biens manufacturés, voire se contracte (énergie), et la valeur ajoutée agricole est en train de chuter après une production record en huile d’olive l’année dernière. Seule bonne nouvelle au tableau, l’inflationest désormais fermement installée sous la barre des 4%, contre un pic de presque 6% entre février et avril 2015. Un nouveau relâchement de la politique monétaire n’est donc pas à écarter même si la portée d’une réelle mesure est très incertaine. De fait, malgré la baisse du taux directeur de 50 points de base décidée en octobre 2015, le crédit bancaire au secteur privé est resté atone.
En outre, l’horizon pour les mois à venir est loin d’être dégagé. Troubles sociaux, menaces sécuritaires ou encore regain de fragilité en Europe (75% des exportations tunisiennes) sont autant d’éléments qui vont continuer de peser sur la confiance des investisseurs. Le taux de croissance attendu pour 2016 ne devrait ainsi atteindre que 1.2% avant d’accélérer légèrement à 2% en 2017, sous réserves d’une stabilisation du climat socio-politique.
Dans tous les cas, les performances de l’économie tunisienne seront insuffisantes pour résorber un taux de chômage officiel qui culmine à 15,4%.
… aux problèmes de fond
Le contexte politique n’est pas non plus de nature à rassurer. Dès le départ, l’attelage gouvernemental incluant laïcs et islamistes modérés avait soulevé des interrogations sur sa capacité à mener des réformes. Depuis, la situation s’est compliquée un peu plus avec la scission, début 2016, du parti dominant la coalition, Nidaa Tounes, qui de facto a perdu sa majorité au sein du Parlement.
Face un mécontentement populaire grandissant, le président de la République a donc décidé de lancer une consultation dans la perspective de forme un gouvernement d’union nationale élargi aux centrales syndicales. A ce stade, il est difficile de dire si l’initiative va aboutir et combien de temps vont durer les négociations tant les relations entre les partis sont complexes. Mais le scénario de voir le gouvernement actuel chuter avant la fin de cette année devient plus probable.
Pendant ce temps, l’économie tunisienne poursuit son décrochage. Le taux d’investissement est passé sous la barre des 20% en 2015, en baisse de cinq points par rapport à 2010. Le secteur manufacturier perd tendanciellement des parts de marché sur le continent européen au profit notamment du Maroc qui reçoit par ailleurs un volume d’investissements directs étrangers désormais  trois fois supérieur à celui de la Tunisie, alors qu’il était encore au même niveau il y a cinq ans. Un autre phénomène inquiète. Selon une étude récente menée conjointement par le centre de recherches et d’études sociale de la Banque africaine de développement (BAD), l’emploi informel au sein de l’économie tunisienne  représentait 32% de la population active occupée en 2015, contre 28% en 2010. Tout cela est venu se greffer à des fragilités structurelles déjà à l’œuvre avant l’éclatement du soulèvement populaire de 2011. Redynamiser l’économie tunisienne nécessitera donc plus qu’un choc de confiance et passera par des mesures de fond dont la plupart se trouvent en bonne place dans le nouveau programme d’aide de deux ans du FMI, approuvé fin mai pour un montant de 2.9 mds de dollars. Néanmoins, quel que soit le gouvernement qui devra mener à bien ces réformes, l’équilibre sera délicat à trouver en raison de la fragilité du contexte social et en l’absence de véritables marges de manœuvre financières.
Etant donné le peu d’améliorations en vue, le déficit de la balance des paiements courants restera substantiel, autour des 8% du PIB en 2016/17.
Le bouclage des comptes externes va donc continuer de reposer sur le soutien financier de la communauté internationale. Seulement un quart du déficit courant a été en effet couvert par des investissements directs étrangers depuis trois ans. La probabilité de voir la tendance s’inverser est faible à court terme. Or, si en apparence la situation est gérable– les réserves de change couvrent quatre mois d’importations de biens et services– l’économie tunisienne ne dispose pas de matelas financier suffisamment large pour se prémunir contre une dégradation brutale de sa position extérieure. Dans ce contexte, la capacité des autorités monétaires à maintenir l’ancrage du dinar sur un panier de monnaies se pose de plus de plus alors que le FMI estime que le taux de change effectif réel est surévalué de six à 13%. L’absence de rééquilibrage des comptes externes pourrait également remettre en question la soutenablité de l’endettement en devises à moyen terme, même si le risque continue à ce stade grâce à un profil de dette favorable.


Cet article tente d‘apporter des éléments de réponse à deux questions .- comment accorder leur juste poids aux considérations d’ordre économique dans I’élaboration de la politique de l’environnement et comment mieux intégrer les considérations environnementales dans les décisions économiques.
- le caractère transfrontière, voire mondial, de beaucoup de problèmes environnementaux, qui rend plus nécessaire encore la coordination internationale des politiques d‘environnement : les inquiétudes suscitées par les effets de certaines émissions sur la couche d‘ozone et le climat à l’échelle mondiale, qui sont à l‘origine de nouveaux débats, en sont les exemples les plus notables. Si, au cours des années 60 et 70, on s’est beaucoup préoccupé de l’éventualité d‘une pénurie de ressources naturelles à l‘échelle mondiale, rares sont ceux qui craignent aujourd’hui que l’économie mondiale connaisse une pénurie de ressources dans les années à venir. Certes, des inquiétudes subsistent, mais elles sont maintenant motivées par des problèmes comme la dégradation de l‘atmosphère, des eaux souterraines et des océans. Ces problèmes environnementaux présentent, pour deux raisons essentielles, une dimension économique importante : - la différence entre le coût privé d‘une activité et son coût pour la collectivité, qui caractérise l’utilisation et, par conséquent, la mauvaise utilisation de nombreuses ressources environnementales comme l‘air et l‘eau, implique qu‘une politique de laisser faire ne peut pas permettre aux forces du marché d‘atteindre l’équilibre souhaité entre qualité de I‘environnement, d’une part, et production de biens, de l’autre; - les politiques d’environnement et les évolutions survenant dans ce domaine ont des répercussions macro-économiques de plus en plus sensibles tandis que le rythme et la structure de la croissance économique ont des conséquences pour l’environnement. La question des externalités et du lien avec le concept de croissance durable est examinée à la section 1. La section suivante (II) concerne l’élaboration des politiques d‘environnement. Les coûts et avantages des politiques d’environnement sont analysés à la section 111. Enfin, la dernière section (IV) aborde un certain nombre de problèmes qui se posent actuellement aux pouvoirs publics, en mettant notamment l‘accent sur ceux d’entre eux qui ont une dimension internationale. Les principaux points de l‘analyse sont résumés dans les paragraphes qui suivent. Externalités. L‘une des principales causes de la dégradation de I’environnement est l’existence de coûts environnementaux externes. Étant donné que l‘on peut accéder librement à de nombreuses ressources environnementales, qui sont considérées comme un bien collectif par les agents économiques, ceux-ci ne sont guère incités à tenir intégralement compte des coûts de la dégradation de I‘environnement. Or, ces coûts tendront à augmenter au fil des ans, à mesure que les ressources se dégraderont ou s‘épuiseront et deviendront de ce fait plus rares. Croissance durable. La croissance économique est influencée par la rareté relative des ressources environnementales, étant donné que c’est dans I’environnement que l’on extrait les matières premières dont on a besoin et que l’on évacue les déchets. II convient, dans un premier temps, de bien définir ce que l’on entend par croissance durable pour analyser les interactions entre l’environnement et la croissance économique. II n’est pas inconcevable que la dégradation de ressources environnementales se traduise, à terme, par une réduction sensible du potentiel de consommation. Dun autre côté, les mesures prises pour freiner la dégradation de l’environnement risquent d‘être coûteuses en entraînant une réduction de la production et de la consommation. II existe donc entre les coûts et les avantages un arbitrage qui mérite d‘être examiné de façon plus approfondie. Moyens d‘action. Le meilleur moyen de résoudre ces problèmes consiste à internaliser les coûts de la dégradation de l’environnement, Jusqu’à présent, la préférence est généralement allée à des systèmes de réglementation qui, dans certains cas, ont effectivement permis de réduire la pollution de façon relativement satisfaisante. Mais la réglementation ne fait pas appel aux mécanismes du marché 11 et ne fournit pas d'incitation à réduire, à la marge, la dégradation de I'environnement. Une utilisation plus intensive d'instruments économiques pourrait se traduire par une augmentation de l'efficience globale des politiques d'environnement, considération qui pourrait prendre encore plus d'importance dans la mesure où les moyens à mettre en œuvre pour faire face aux problèmes d'environnement seront eux aussi plus importants. L'efficience relative des différents instruments dépendra d'un certain nombre de considérations telles que l'étendue géographique du problème, le nombre de sources de pollution, les possibilités de surveillance, l'importance des coûts de transaction et l'ampleur des autres distorsions affectant le marché. Les différentes solutions envisageables devront autant que possible s'appuyer sur des analyses coûts-avantages. II serait sans doute ainsi possible de mieux intégrer les problèmes environnementaux et économiques en mettant en place des comptes de ressources parallèlement au système de comptabilité nationale et en construisant des indicateurs établissant un lien entre les évolutions environnementales et économiques. Ordonnancement des mesures. Étant donné que les risques potentiels découlant de la dégradation des ressources environnementales sont encore dans une large mesure inconnus et le resteront sans doute encore un certain temps, il importe d'élaborer une stratégie permettant de faire face aux incertitudes et aux risques environnementaux. L'ampleur et l'ordonnancement des mesures dépendent en partie de ces risques. Si l'on opte pour des mesures de prévention, il semblerait souhaitable de commencer par les moins coûteuses et les plus efficaces par rapport à leur coût. Par exemple, alors que le coût implicite d'une stabilisation de la concentration des gaz à effet de serre serait sans doute important, il semblerait tout à fait possible de réduire les émissions des gaz à effet de serre les plus ((efficaces», à savoir les CFC, ainsi que de remplacer une partie des sources d'émission de CO2, pour un coût relativement faible. On pourrait aussi voir si certaines mesures environnementales pourraient contribuer à améliorer l'efficience économique générale tout en élargissant la gamme des options futures et en améliorant la flexibilité. Les mesures suivantes pourraient être envisagées à cet égard : réformes de la fiscalité en matière d'environnement et réduction des subventions et réglementations qui, en faussant les signaux du marché, entraînent une augmentation sensible de la pollution. Coopération internationale. II semble assez peu probable que l'environnement mondial soit menacé de dommages importants et irréversibles. Toutefois, bien qu'il soit nécessaire de faire preuve de prudence à cet égard, rien ne permet d'exclure Pa possibilité que d'importants dommages soient causés à l'environnement dans l'avenir.

Elements of tourism

Elements of tourism
tourism Tourism is the process of individuals move temporarily from one country to another for different purposes, as Tourism is the most important economic sources that depend on the state in the development and increase national income and thus improve the living standards of its members; and tourism elements and motives and elements will learn about them in this article. Elements of tourism Location : where he plays the geographical location of the state influential role in the tourist attractions, it is through the state site on the supply circuits determines the climate , which in turn determines the quality of the vegetation, and the extent of the presence of wild animals, as the climate prevailing in the length and the Palace of the day, which positively or negatively affect the movement and controls tourism, lies the impact of the geographical location also in terms of proximity and distance from , such as hotels tourist demand areas, and commercial markets, and the possibility of identifying the nationality of the tourists, namely that if the same geographical location a good state , it will be attractive for tourists from nearby countries considerably. Climate : Many tourists make the tourist destination with a favorable climate to their areas . In the summer tourist looking for the temperate zone and in the winter looking for warm and with good temperature region; therefore climate is considered one of the most influential elements in the tourism tourism. It forms the surface of the earth : Valo_kal terrain of different kinds of mountains, plains, valleys and water bodies effectively affect the tourist attractions, through the landscape diversity; therefore harnesses the state of all physical capabilities of the work of tourist resorts and infrastructure development that increase the number of tourists to her, such as the utilization of mountain highlands skiing process if they are from countries that are falling by the snow in abundance. Tourism goals Adventure tourism, to reveal the wacky and exploratory excursionss. Recreational tourism, and be leisure, recreation and recreation from the troubles of lifee. Religious Tourism, visited the holy sites such as Mecca, and the Vatican, and Jerusalemm. Cultural tourism, visit cultural sites, museums and historical monumentss. Tourism beach, spread in marine coastal areas attractivee. Tourism hopes, the finest species, and began marketing its first at the level of the Arab world in Jordan at the Dead Sea area. Sports tourism, by participating in sports competitions. Therapeutic tourism, and be the aim of treatment is not available in the country, or visit the places that is famous for its therapeutic ability Khmamat Ma'in in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. Types of tourism Internal tourism, and be within the state, visited historical monuments and places in themm. Foreign tourism, to be outside the borders of countries, visited neighboring countries or distant countriess. Elements of Tourism The tourists, ie the number of tourists who can host countries accommodate them according to their requirements. Exposed, which states that provide tourist services desired by tourists in order to create a good and successful tourist environment. Tourist attractions, and it is to provide different definitions.

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