#today Sundar Pichai, the Google CEO has hacked his account Quora, the online service for editing and organizing questions and answers, and by extension his Twitter feed. He made the OurMine hacker group that had raged earlier this month and managed to hack the Twitter account of the boss of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg.
The bosses of American IT giants are far from immune to hackers. After Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook who got early June hack accounts Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest, this time it is his counterpart at Google have been the target of the same group of pirates, OurMine. This time it is the account online question and answer service Quora Sundar Pichai CEO of Google was targeted. Our colleague from The Next Web that met with this group and related motivations apparently far from a desire to nuisance but rather a form of foresight: "We test the safety of individuals, never change their words past. We did it because there are other hackers who can hack and change everything, "says OurMine our colleague. The group also said to have exploited a vulnerability in the platform Quora.
The bosses of American IT giants are far from immune to hackers. After Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook who got early June hack accounts Twitter, LinkedIn and Pinterest, this time it is his counterpart at Google have been the target of the same group of pirates, OurMine. This time it is the account online question and answer service Quora Sundar Pichai CEO of Google was targeted. Our colleague from The Next Web that met with this group and related motivations apparently far from a desire to nuisance but rather a form of foresight: "We test the safety of individuals, never change their words past. We did it because there are other hackers who can hack and change everything, "says OurMine our colleague. The group also said to have exploited a vulnerability in the platform Quora.
Ce hack est loin d'être passé inaperçu car les questions-réponses du compte Quora piraté de Sundar Pichai se sont retrouvées sur le compte Twitter officiel de l'intéressé. Aucun tour de force de la part des pirates à ce niveau, le CEO ayant décidé de pousser automatiquement ses flux Quora sur son compte Twitter. Une démarche assez habile d'OurMine puisqu'ils ne se sont pas directement attaqués au compte Twitter de Sundar Pichai mais ont plutôt opté pour hacker un compte social secondaire tout en bénéficiant d'un impact très important via la fonction de push automatique de posts Quora vers Twitter.
source : www.lemondeinformatique.fr